Submit your original artwork for a chance to have your design featured on our 2024 Christmas Card!
Contest Rules
- Artist must be a student
- Artist must sign a release to use and print their artwork
- Artist must be Anglican
- Artwork must be inspired by this year’s theme: Luke 2:1-20.
Contest Prize
- $100 gift card
- One (1) free pack of ten (10) Christmas cards
- Artist’s design featured on the front of the AFL Christmas card
- 50% off Christmas cards for the winner and members of the winner’s church
- Promotion and recognition on social media, AFL’s website, and the official AFL newsletter, Carpe Diem
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Upload your entry online by clicking here: AnglicansForLife.org/ChristmasCardContest or scan the QR code from the image above.