Men of COOS: Are you looking for a challenge? Do you want to up your game? This Lenten season, join with other men as we engage in a series of ascetic practices aimed at mortifying the flesh and cultivating good habits to the end of becoming more like Christ.
Together we will embark on a 40 day journey of self-denial, spiritual disciplines, and mutual encouragement. The regimen will include the following (with flexibility according to specific needs or limitations):
- Fasting Wednesdays and Fridays (one meal per day), and or Abstaining from Meat, or Fasting Monday-Friday (one meal per day)
- Water only (no coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, milk, juice, etc.)
- No desserts, candy, sweets, etc.
- Limit or eliminate social media, video games, screen time.
- Cold showers.
- Increased prayer and scripture reading including at least 15 minutes each morning and evening, praying the Litany, and or the Penitential Office each Wednesday and Friday.
In person participants will be put into groups of three for daily contact via phone, text, or in-person. Partners will pray for each other and encourage each other. All participants will meet as a group weekly or bi-weekly for prayer, conversation, and mutual encouragement.
Note: Every Sunday is a feast day. Enjoy the feast (but don’t over-indulge).
If you have questions or would like participate, contact Mark Mitchell from email address below.