On this late fall workday, we’ll get the church ready for winter and the Christmas season.
- Our plans for the day include:
- Clean up leaves by Leaf blowing. Bring leaf blowers. Lead: Bob Eliot
- Tree Cutting and cutting wood into smaller pieces. Bring your chain saw and pick up truck . We’ll be cutting wood that can dry and be used next year to heat the Kell’s home. Team Lead: Criss Hyde
- Turn off outside water at church and parish hall.
- Store hoses in basements.
- Clean inside of church in preparation for Christmas. Lead: Laurie Kelly
- Vacuum kneelers (Laurie Kelly will instruct us so as to not damage these special kneelers.)
- Wash pews.
- Wash, clean, dust window ledges and narthex checking for cobwebs and bugs.
- Bring equipment to weed whack and brush cutters to trim , cut and neaten our property. Lead: Sean Reeves
Please bring leaf blowers, chainsaws, other tools, equipment and supplies by Nov 15.
Please RSVP to Susan Herbert, contact information below. Lunch will be provided.