Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton
Fellow congregants,
Over the past few months I’ve had the privilege to take part in the legal and PR effort around the upcoming Supreme Court case Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton, which has the real potential to be the first major legal setback for the pornography industry in several decades and could set a major precedent in favor of protecting children from horrific content online. The oral arguments before the Court are slated for January 15, and a number of groups will be participating in a rally out front that morning, at which I and some of my colleagues will be speaking. Lots of press are likely to be present, and we’re hoping to get a good crowd to make a big public statement, especially Christians ready to witness against this evil and on behalf of the vulnerable who have been victimized by it. If you’re able to, please consider joining us in front of the Supreme Court from 8:30-10:00 AM on January 15th. (Note: given the sensitivity of the topic, we’re recommending parents not bring younger children.)
Brad Littlejohn