Dear Friend of Reformed Episcopal Missions:
I am writing to ask if you might “come over and help us” with a single sizable donation this Fall to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of strategic ecclesial ministries of the BFM to “plant, build, and restore the Church and its ministry.” In addition to sending individual missionaries, the BFM budgets the following:
- Missionary Diocese of Cuba: $98,000 (keeps ~30 pastors focused on ministry)
- Missionary Diocese of Croatia: $15,000 (assists five church starts)
- Missionary Convocation of Germany: $12,000 (maintains use of Camp Knüll for REC100–Europe)
- Foreign Seminary Scholarships: $24,000 (provides the second half of tuition, room, and board for twenty-four students at the biblically orthodox Leonard Kamungu Theological College in Malawi, where our own Dr. Gresser now provides instruction and leadership)
Funds for these ministries are dangerously low. Further, they are supplied very generously by only a few parishes; I would like to see all our parishes and their members involved. Normally I appeal to each synod in the Fall, but with General Council having just occurred, this expense is being spared this year. Hence this appeal directly to you!
If each parish budgeted any monthly amount in addition to its annual $500 for the General Fund, I am confident these ministries could each be fully funded. Or, even better, if half of our parishioners did the same as a personal ministry, these ministries would not be in their present danger of losing their funding!
Would you consider making a recurring monthly gift? Go to the donation page today, and make your gift or monthly pledge by CLICKING HERE. God be with you—as His Kingdom comes through you.
The Rev’d Canon John Peter Boonzaaijer
BFM President