Our next Ladies Forum will be held this coming Saturday at 1:00 p.m. in The Cottage. Stephanie Zullinger will be leading the discussion and the topic is “The Rule of Life.” For more information about the topic, click or cut and paste the following: https://www.tshoxenreider.com/rule . We hope to see you there!
*The Ladies Forum will be taking a break during the summer months, but will resume in the Fall.
Every day we make choices which reflect who we are. As followers of Christ, they also help determine who we might become: ideally more and more like Him. Join us on June 1st at 1pm as together we explore how we can incorporate– embody–the principles of our faith into our everyday routines and activities. How might our lives be a response to God’s grace? How can even the most ordinary life be lived sacramentally?