Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thanks to all who helped with our Fall workday last Saturday. What a blessing it is to serve together as stewards of our beautiful campus!
I’m looking forward to the Parish meeting this Sunday, which will focus primarily on our finances and plans led by the Vestry to further God’s mission.
In our last meeting, the Vestry approved our FY24 budget, which our Treasurer Sean Reeves and Vestry members will present to the Parish on Sunday. The Vestry is working to address the Parish’s growing need for additional space, as well as our spiritual needs. We are developing plans for a new Parish Hall and classrooms to be built just east of the parking lot, funded by a capital campaign if the Parish approves our proposal, currently in development. We’ve asked Jack Curtis to start laying the groundwork for a capital campaign.
Meanwhile, we’re working to make the Cottage and Nave more usable and accessible, with assistance from the Building Committee. In addition, recognizing the need for a pastoral assistant to help Fr. Jonathan shepherd the growing flock, we have included an allowance in the approved budget. The Vestry also determined to begin distributing funds to our global and local missions partners on a quarterly basis.
For more details on our monthly Vestry meetings, I encourage you review the minutes regularly posted in the Cottage. Please let any member of the Vestry know how we can better serve the Lord with you.