Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Vestry met last week and I wanted to share three key takeaways with you.
We will hold a special Parish Meeting on March 17 during the 9:15 Sunday School hour to share with you what the Vestry and the building and capital campaign committees have been doing toward our goal to build a new Parish Hall. We hope you can be there to learn about this exciting development, and we appreciate your patience as we work to provide more room for our growing Parish life.
Secondly, to help improve our communications—especially on Parish finances—we’ve asked Treasurer Sean Reeves to provide a short financial update each quarter of the year at the beginning of the 9:15 Sunday School hour. We will announce these updates in advance and encourage everyone from both services to be there to be better informed about the Vestry’s stewardship of our finances while reflecting on God’s provision through your faithful giving.
Thirdly, the Vestry considered minor revisions of our existing bylaws recommended by our Bylaws Committee to better align with the recently published Diocese model bylaws. After discussion, the Vestry decided to table the revisions and continue using our existing bylaws.
For more details on our monthly Vestry meetings, I encourage you to review the minutes regularly posted in the Cottage and now also in the Narthex. Please let any member of the Vestry know how we can better serve the Lord with you.