Dear friend of REC Foreign Missions,
The Missionary Diocese of Cuba thanks each and everyone for their prayers and expressions of concern. Shortages of food, water, and electricity continue to be a concern in a rather unstable political and economic situation presently. Compounding this has been the onslaught of a number of mosquito-borne illnesses which have affected nearly all the clergy and the whole church. Archdeacon Alexei is now recovering after more than three weeks of fever, and is slowly able to return to pastoral care and the liturgy. Due to these trials, the brethren have suggested a delay of travel, awaiting their recovery and better conditions.
Please pray for:
1) economic stability and the availability of food, water, and electricity
2) restoration of health for the ill
3) offerings for the remainder of 2024 Cuban clergy stipends ($14,718 of the needed $55,500 so far received)
Give thanks for:
1) fifty confirmands and five postulants and deacons preparing for Confirmation and Ordination
2) God’s perseveration of life for those ill with dengue and other fevers
3) the beginning of a church taxi service in Havana deanery
4) the completion of the Christian Center in the Central deanery
5) the addition of two new congregations in the Eastern deanery
6) the approval of religious visas for the next visit
The Rt. Rev’d John Peter Boonzaaijer
REC International Missionary Bishop
Suffragan for Iglesia Episcopal Reformada de Cuba
Board of Foreign Missions, President
Tel +1 972.741.2837