This week is an ember week. What does that mean? It usually means that each Church sets aside the days of Wednesday, Friday and Saturday this week as a time of fasting and prayer for those who will be ordained to holy orders (deacon, priest, bishop) on the upcoming Sunday. In the book of Acts we learn that the apostles fasted and prayed prior to laying hands on anyone. The ember days are also an occasion, as we pray that Christ would “send forth laborers into his harvest”, to fast and pray for our bishop, the election of a new bishop, and for our clergy at Church of Our Saviour. We should also pray that Christ would raise up new clergy in our midst. This is how Christ supplies leaders for his flock, namely, by calling them to serve their local parish. So, I encourage you to take some time on Friday (Saturday is St. Matthew’s day, so the ember day is not observed this Saturday) to fast and pray that more men would receive and heed the call to holy service (see the three prayers for the ministry on BCP pp. 38-39). The world desperately needs Christ. St. Paul’s exhortation still addresses us today: How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Indeed, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
-Fr. Eric+