Private Confession
If anyone is struggling to quiet their conscience from the shame of past sin, they are encouraged to unburden their soul through private confession and absolution. Contact Jonathan+ or Eric+ to schedule a time.
Home Worship
If you can’t join us in the Church, consider taking a few minutes to listen to Daily Morning & Evening Prayer on Cradle of Prayer. Or you could read Morning & Evening Prayer by clicking this link.
Lenten Offering
Each year, our bishops encourage every member who is 18 years or older to give an offering $100 above and beyond their tithe to support the planting of new churches. This initiative is called REC100. Learn more about the work of REC100 by going to rec100.org. To make your donation write REC 100 on the memo…
Senior Warden’s Update
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Praise God for continuing to work mightily in our midst as we grow in Him and in His grace! If you didn’t get a chance to attend our encouraging quarterly Parish update meeting last Sunday, you can watch a recording here, and the handouts are available on the church website Parish Hall…
Pew Cushions
Balcony Pew Cushions Will Return! The 6 pew cushions in the balcony have been taken to an upholsterer for resizing, and we hope to have them back within 2 weeks. Your patience is very much appreciated while they are away. We encourage everyone to attend the Parish Update during the Sunday School hour this coming…
A Call to Men | Mar 1
A Call to Men to Exercise a Unique Discipline Men of COOS: This Lenten season, consider joining with other men as we engage in a series of ascetic practices aimed at mortifying the flesh and cultivating good habits to the end of becoming more like Christ. Together we will embark on a 40 day journey of…
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper If you would like to join fellow Church of Our Saviour parishioners and usher in the Lenten season on Tuesday, March 4th, please sign up in the Narthex or contact Rachel Reeves by Sunday, February 23rd. You will be assigned a place to feast and emailed more information the week prior. All…
Ash Wednesday
Palm Branches and Ash Wednesday Services In preparation for the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday, please bring in your palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. There will be a glass vase in the Narthex where you can leave them. This year’s Ash Wednesday and Imposition of Ashes will be held on Wednesday, March…
Past News & Events
Wednesday evening, October 18th, at 6:30 p.m. Please join us on Wednesday evening, October 18th, ...
Saturday, October 21st from 1pm - 3pm Women of the church, The Kell family will ...
Now until December 26th The "Sweats for Vets" Program supports hospitalized veterans at the VA Medical ...
New Year's Eve: Normal services 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.New Year's Day: Feast of The Circumcision Service of ...
In the Nativity of Our Lord, we celebrate the descent of God. He who cannot ...
Bishop Ray Sutton penned an article for the Anglican Compass that is well worth our ...
September 21st and September 29th at 6:30 p.m Please join us for Special Services of ...
September 30th, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Projects to be done: Criss Hyde will oversee chain ...
September 3 @ 9:15 am - 10:00 am St. John Chrysostom (A.D. 347-407) said, “Nothing so arouses ...
August 24, 2023 Current Book: Sword and Scimitar by Raymond Ibrahim According to Muslim tradition, in the mid-seventh ...
Thank you to those who have shown interest in being part of our Hospitality Team! ...
VBS will be on August 8-10th this year and we are in need of volunteers ...