Eastertide greetings,
I am writing with two prayer requests. First, Archbishop Foley Beach’s second term as Primate of the ACNA will end this June 2024. The ACNA College of Bishops will be meeting in June to select a new Archbishop. Archbishop Beach has requested that all members of the ACNA set aside time each Wednesday, Friday or both to pray (and fast as able) for the bishops as they seek God’s direction and will in selecting the next ACNA Archbishop.
Second, I have appointed the Search Committee assigned with the task of presenting not more than 5 names to our Standing Committee as potential candidates for the office of Bishop Coadjutor for our diocese. From this list, the Standing Committee will then present their nominations for this office to our diocese in preparation for our synod in October when an election will be conducted to determine our new Bishop Coadjutor.
I request that all diocesan parishes and members set apart time over the next 6 months to pray for our Search Committee and Standing Committee as they interview and prepare a list of candidates and for our diocese as we prepare to elect a new Bishop Coadjutor.
Please announce these requests to your parishes.
With affection and prayer,
+Peter M.
Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of thy servants towards the attaining of everlasting salvation; that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
DCS Search Committee, Rev. Josiah Jones, Chairman
From Standing Committee (2 clergy and 2 lay required)
- Rev. Davidson Morse…clergy
- Rev. Jonathan Kell…clergy
- Rev. Keith Boettner…clergy
- Steve Mouton…Lay
- Tom McConnell…Lay
At Large (2 clergy and 2 lay required)
- Rev. Paul Edgerton…clergy
- Adn. Scott Thompson…clergy
- Kathy Saffel…Lay
- Pam Baugham…Lay