Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Praise God for continuing to work mightily in our midst as we grow in Him and in His grace! Among those who are joining us, we are blessed to welcome our new Assistant Minster, Father Eric Parker, and his family beginning in August. In our last meeting, the Vestry took stock of our growth and discussed how to provide the needed space for the nursery and an additional Sunday School class beginning in the fall, as well as better use of the space on the balcony for our corporate worship. We’ll keep you informed as we work to address these immediate needs.
We also were encouraged to hear of the overwhelming success of the capital campaign for the new parish hall, and thank God for your sacrificial giving and pledges to provide a space for growing in our parish life and outreach to our community. Please plan to attend our Parish meeting this Sunday from 9:15 – 10:00 where we’ll receive a quarterly financial update from Treasurer Jack Curtis and hear the results of the capital campaign. I’ll also provide a brief update on where we stand on the parish hall, and thank you all for your helpful feedback on its concept design. I hope to see you there!
For more information on the Vestry meetings, please see the minutes posted in a binder in the cottage. And as always, please let any member of the Vestry know how we can better serve the Lord with you.