Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper If you would like to join fellow Church of Our Saviour parishioners and usher in the Lenten season on Tuesday, March 4th, please sign up in the Narthex or contact Rachel Reeves by Sunday, February 23rd. You will be assigned a place to feast and emailed more information the week prior. All…
Ash Wednesday
Palm Branches and Ash Wednesday Services In preparation for the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday, please bring in your palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. There will be a glass vase in the Narthex where you can leave them. This year’s Ash Wednesday and Imposition of Ashes will be held on Wednesday, March…
Missions Update
Missions update on Canon Almir and the Reformed Episcopal Church of Croatia & Serbia The Church of Our Saviour has been supporting Canon Almir for the past two years. Learn more about his ministry and the ministry of the Reformed Episcopal Church in Croatia and Serbia by clicking this link. https://ipaprkc.org/2025/01/01/reformed-episcopal-church-croatia-serbia-news-4-2024/
Book Launch | Jan 26
“Called To Freedom” Book launch This month, Brad Littlejohn will be celebrating the publication of his new book, Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License.” This book distills fifteen years of his research in the fields of political theology and Christian ethics into a short volume accessible to the layman. We’re pleased…
Sanctity of Life | Jan 26
On January 26, from 9:15-10:00 AM our Sanctity of Life speaker will be Catherine J. Wheeler, MD, an Ob/Gyn physician on the Board of Directors of American Association Of ProLife ObGyns (AAPLOG) who practiced in Salt Lake City, Utah for 24 years. Dr. Wheeler now lives in Colorado, where she is a frequent speaker for…
Missions Update Croatia
Missions update on Canon Almir and the Reformed Episcopal Church of Croatia & Serbia The Church of Our Saviour has been supporting Canon Almir for the past two years. Learn more about his ministry and the ministry of the Reformed Episcopal Church in Croatia and Serbia by clicking this link.
Feast of St. Paul | Jan 25
Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul Please join our church family for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. A service of Holy Communion will be held on Saturday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Fellowship Group Added
New Fellowship Group With our two fellowship groups now meeting in Leesburg and Purcellville, we are pleased to announce the formation of another group for those in the Berryville and Charles Town areas. At our first meeting on January 5th, we will celebrate the formation of the group with a “12th Night” party at the…
Past News & Events
It is a new year and we have plenty of new faces at our parish, ...
This week is an ember week. What does that mean? It usually means that each ...
We are planning to start a couple of cell groups or 'fellowship groups' in October. ...
It is a new year and we have plenty of new faces at our parish, ...
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed! We have an immediate need for an additional host for Coffee ...
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would like to take this opportunity to provide a ...
“The household is a little Church.” When St. John Chrystostom said this, he was referring ...
Beloved in Christ, I am very pleased to announce that Erik Landstrom has agreed to serve ...
Please join the Church of Our Saviour family for a special service of Holy Communion ...
We are so grateful that Fr. Eric Parker and his family have joined the Church ...
Please join the Church of Our Saviour family for a special service of Holy Communion ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Praise God for continuing to work mightily in our ...