If anyone is struggling to quiet their conscience from the shame of past sin, they are encouraged to unburden their soul through private confession and absolution. Contact Jonathan+ or Eric+ to schedule a time.
Main Content
The Church of Our Saviour at Oatlands is an Anglican community located in Loudoun County, Virginia.
Rooted in God’s Word
- The Holy Scriptures are the basis of Anglican teaching, faithfully interpreted and applied by the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer (1662 – 1928), and the Ordinal.
Weekly Services
Spring Forward
Be on time for Sunday services: Don’t forget to set your clocks this weekend as it’s time to SPRING FORWARD on March 9th!
Worship : 8:00 & 10:30am
Sunday School at 9:15am
Join us for coffee after the service!
Morning Prayer
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
7:00 a.m.
All are welcome.
Home Worship
If you can’t join us in the Church, consider taking a few minutes to listen to Daily Morning & Evening Prayer on Cradle of Prayer. Or you could read Morning & Evening Prayer by clicking this link.
Coffee Hour Volunteering
We appreciate all the volunteers who make our coffee hours possible, as this is a vital way for the church to build and strengthen the bonds of community. Please contact Karen Rafferty if you’d like to join a team for the 10:30 service. The link to sign up to bring refreshments for the 8:00 service is here: https://signup.com/go/

Live stream and Video
Mission Programs
Please consider donating nonperishable foods, toiletries, or cleaning supplies to those in our community who are less fortunate. Donations may be left in the narthex. If you have questions, feel free to speak with Robbie Thompson, Our Saviour’s organist.